Instead of coming up with an unrealistic set of new year’s resolutions this year, consider some healthy habits for the new year that are actually doable. Ones you actually want to stick to.
Whether you’re making a resolution to eat healthier or even if you’re just promising yourself that you’ll be on time instead of always running five minutes late, there are tons of ways to make your life a little healthier without feeling overwhelmed come Jan. 1. After all, health isn’t just about what you put in your body; it’s about how you approach your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Once you switch your mindset, it opens up a whole new world of resolutions you could accomplish.
Here are four resolutions to get you started:
If you’re sleeping less than seven or eight hours a day, you’re not sleeping enough — period! The only way to sleep well is to sleep well consistently. In the new year, make it a point to give your body the rest it deserves on a daily basis. You cannot make up for lost sleep on the weekends.
Plan Your Day
Set aside time every morning — even five minutes — to simply close your eyes, breathe deep and focus on what the day ahead. Not only will you feel a sense of calm but it may also help you conquer other new habits. Planning your meals, your exercise and even some down time can all lead to sense of well-being.
You can fit exercise into your life, whether it’s a morning walk or 30 minutes at the local Y. Exercise not only improves your health but also helps relieve stress. Make a plan at the beginning of the week and stick to it!
Eat Healthier
Think about an eating plan that will work best for you, whether it’s something very regimented or simply being a bit more aware. Think about what you can stick to long term and don’t just start with the most popular diet at the moment.
If you can make any of these tips part of your routine you will soon be on your way to better health. If you have questions, consider visiting our doctors of chiropractic (DCs).
For more information, call us to schedule an appointment at 703-578-1900!