Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in Alexandria, VA

Pain-Free Living

At King Street Chiropractic Wellness Center, our dedication to excellence has given us a reputation as premier chiropractic doctors in Alexandria and Northern Virginia. We are committed to offering results-oriented-corrective and preventative care to keep the whole family pain-free and healthy. Our wellness care combines chiropractic care with nutrition, stress management and exercise to gain optimal health.

Chiropractic Care

We combine the latest advances of technology along with traditional modalities
to provide the very best of chiropractic care. Dr. Trauben and Dr. Borenstein use a
very scientific approach to helping patients with spinal conditions gain successful
and lasting results.

Corrective Care

Many patients who come in with an acute condition may need corrective care to
prevent re-occurnances. We offer rehabilitation services along with targeted exercises to support
the benefits of chiropractic care – particularly in the case of sports injury
or an automobile accident.

Stress Management & Nutrition

Lifestyle changes are often required to maintain optimal health.
We offer therapeutic massage and instruction on stress reduction techniques
like meditation. We also carry nutritional supplements along with educational
support for healthy eating habits.

We Offer Pain-Free Solutions for These Conditions

Back Pain

Gain relief with our comprehensive non-surgical approach of gentle adjustments, exercises to strengthen your core muscles and instruction on correct body alignment.

Disc Pain

Slipped disc, herniated discs and ruptured discs are helped non-surgically with an individualized plan designed to address the root cause of your problem.


Let us help make migraines, cluster headaches, stress headaches and tension headaches a thing of the past.

Neck Pain

Eliminate your neck pain, improve your range of motion and enjoy the activities you love with our comprehensive approach.

Arthritis Pain

Eliminate the conditions that cause joint pain and arthritic degeneration with gentle chiropractic adjustments to reduce joint stress and nutritional support to eliminate inflammation.

Carpal Tunnel

Relieve the pain or numbness in your hand and wrist with a treatment approach that addresses the cause of your carpal tunnel syndrome in your neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist.

Sports Injury

Count on us to design a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle needs and gets you back participating in the activities you love.

Automobile Accident

In our experience, early treatment facilitates healing and faster recovery. We are committed to your recovery and getting your life back on track.

Pregnancy Chiropractic

Let us eliminate the stress on your spine and support your body for a smooth easy pregnancy, delivery and recovery.

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation!

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