This is Jeopardy “Corporate Wellness Style”

Last week, King Street Chiropractic Wellness Center held a corporate wellness lunch & learn at a government agency. We did it “Jeopardy style” and the topics were: Nutrition, Chiropractic, Posture & Mobility, and Health Facts. Each category earned 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 points. We divided the room into 2 teams and had a lot of fun! Here was the 1,000-point question for Health Facts, see if you get it right.

The United States Makes Up 5-6% Of The World’s Population But Consumes ____% Of The Medications?
A. 6%
B. 12%
C. 25%
D. 50%

(Ask the Doctor for the correct answer)

Corporate Wellness Series

King Street Chiropractic Wellness Center conducts these talks as part of a Corporate Wellness Series and we always bring a healthy lunch or snack for everyone. We give out prizes to the winning team and raffle off a free one-hour massage! The employees love it! They ask great questions and we can tell that it made an impact on their thinking and future health behaviors.

Last week, one young man was very interested in what supplements he could incorporate into his diet to gain more energy.  Another gentleman said he had been trying to lose weight, but he wasn’t experiencing success – did we have ways to help him lose the weight and keep it off while getting healthier?  A young woman told us that cancer ran in her family and she wanted to avoid it – how could we help?  Another woman mentioned that she had been in a car accident a few years ago, but she had never gotten back to feeling “normal” – could we help ease her pain without medication? We talked to all of these folks and many more with similar questions. Wellness talks such as these give us an opportunity to “meet the people where they are,” in their workplace.  They also give us a chance to educate, entertain, and inspire people to make better choices with one of the most important assets you will ever own, “Your Health and Your Life.”

Playing jeopardy with your health

Our corporate wellness series includes a Wellness 101 basic workshop and then 3 talks on Eating Better, Moving Better and Thinking Better. We also participate in health fairs in the workplace where we do digital posture assessments and answer questions about chiropractic, massage therapy, and physical wellness. The best part for the companies is that all these services are completely complimentary to the work places of our active patients.

If you are interested in getting some information to your HR director at your workplace, please send an email to We can get an email to them about our corporate wellness program. We love doing this and our patients who bring us into their company will receive a FREE 30-minute massage! The bottom line is that everyone wins when we do these corporate wellness talks. The employers win because they want to get healthier and more productive employees, the employees win because they get healthier as the results of what they learn, and we win because the community gets to know us and our mission better.

Attend an upcoming Lunch & Learn!

We would love to have you join Dr. Borenstein at the ALX Community in Old Town Alexandria, from noon-1pm on Wednesday, September 26, to play Health Jeopardy: Think Better, Feel Better, Do More!

A complimentary lunch will be served to those who pre-register before 5pm September 24 at the link below:

Setting your health in motion,
Dr. Steven Trauben, D.C. &
Dr. Jeff Borenstein, D.C.

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